Musician/Artiste: The Veronicas
Album title: The Secret Life Of The Veronicas
At first, the opening track 4ever, seems heavily inspired by an Avril Lavigne number, but that only lasts the first couple of seconds. Within moments of hitting play, you find yourself tapping your feet to a song that talks about the highs and lows of a one-sided teenage romance. The optimistic lyrics and mix of electronic with electric will find you singing this song in the shower in no time.
After the boost of energy one gets from the first track, the second track Everything I’m not is dangerously near to depressing. It speaks of insecurities that arise within a person when comparisons are made. Being twins, I’m assuming the veronicas get that a lot. For those who've always felt a little less-then-perfect, this is the song for you.
Already making waves around the world and the best song in the album, When it falls apart explores something we can all relate to: having "friends" around in good times but not knowing who to go to when things aren't so pretty. The chorus boldly asks the question, “Tell me what do you when it all falls apart?"
Even though the opening of the song is slow with minimal music, their track Secret is enough to send chills down one's spine. During the chorus however, it takes a 180 degree turn and coupled with a not-so-loud but consistently-fast drum beat the song is all about being stalked by an admirer whom you don’t like. The best part is that the girls yell back about not giving in to the pressure and stick to saying "no".
A heavy, soulful number, Heavily broken talks about relationships turning sour and the heartbreak resulting from it. Belting out lyrics "I’m heavily broken, and I don’t know what to do. See that I’m choking, and I can’t even move", it's a good song to listen to when you feel like nobody understands.
Overall the songs are preppy without having the bubble-gum effect of most pop albums. The songs are raw, personal and explore issues beyond just puppy love. Embodying a sound that is a cross between Kelly Clarkson and Avril Lavigne with a bit of electronic thrown in it, “The secret life of The Veronicas” has something more to offer then the current pop princesses making their appearances on the tube.
First Published:
August 2006
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