Dream with in a dream...
Entering the Commune Artiste Colony sometime last week, I was surprised to see a larger-than-life-sized brown wooden stool near the entrance. Upon peeking inside one could see that there was a massive video shoot taking place inside.
Parts of the gallery space had been converted into a set with screens and the occasional sofa and soon enough, one caught the haggard and weary-looking Umar Anwar directing some of his crew to making small changes in the set.
One also saw Haroon sitting on one of the chairs watching everything as it progressed, waiting for ‘shooting’ to resume. This writer immediately caught up with what the prolific music video director was up to.
Taking a break from directing commerials, Umar Anwar is back in the realm of making music videos with Haroon’s Nahin Hai Yeh Pyar. Tired of doing commercials, Umar was eager to get into something that would exercise his creative side.
Shot as a “dream within a dream within a dream”, according to Umar, the video is about a person who “is in denial. When someone lives in denial, he tends to create his own fantasy world around him.”
The video of Nahin Hai Yeh Pyar featuring Haroon is expected to hit the airwaves sometime later this month.
First Published:
December 16, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Posted by
11:10 AM