The next Lennon?
More news on the Ali Zafar front is that this crooner has released a song titled, Those for Truth, on his official website, Unlike any other song Ali Zafar has released, this song is soft, mellow, with a simple piano progression playing along to him singing the lyrics in a slightly higher pitch, than what we are accustomed to listening from him.
When questioned, Ali said that he wrote the song keeping in mind everything that was happening to us (mankind) around the world and the times that we’re living in. He is yet unsure whether the song will be included in any upcoming album and would like to welcome feedback in the form of videos being made by his fans and interested individuals.
“Even if it’s a simple video made on a mobile phone,” he said, adding that there would be a bit of a surprise for the best one selected, showing his interest in increasing interaction between him and his fans.
First Published:
December 2, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
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11:54 AM